BMX bandits with Nicole Kidman

BMX Bandits – could be a solution for you! At the age of 14, Nicole starred in the 1983 classic that is sure to send any BMX lover over to the track for an extra gates session.

Nicole Kidman BMX movie

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And how’s this…revealed to the Daily Telegraph the other day, it turns out that Kidman’s very own children find the PG-rated film their favourite movie of hers and request it on many Friday nights.

“BMX Bandits is my shining moment,” she says.

“Truly, my kids, that is their favourite movie of mine so there we go. This is it, on a Friday night they go, ‘can we watch BMX Bandits?’ and I am like, ‘Oh, come on, come on’. Who would have thought, right?”

So instead of heading into town to watch a new film this Christmas season, take a leaf out of Kidman’s kids book and settle in at home to watch a BMX masterpiece!